Contact Dawn for an online consultancy or an in-person half or full day workshop as an Orff-based clinician specializing in Jamaican folk songs, singing games, and drumming, as well as literacy based movement, listening activities for orchestral repertoire, and World music.
James Harding
(The San Francisco School)
Dawn Muir's workshop for our Orff chapter filled our cups in so many ways. We received wonderful games, songs and stories from Jamaica complete with cultural context and the gift of Dawn's personal experience and the story of her own research into Jamaican traditional music and dance. We were given clear, practical reminders of how to structure successful, engaging and accessible experiences with Orff instrumental ensemble, drum circles, elemental movement and drama. Finally, we experienced the model of Dawn's dynamic, joyful, expressive presence as a teacher, reminding us that how we move and sing and speak as teachers is a huge part of our impact as educators in our classrooms.
Doug Goodkin
(The San Francisco School - retired)
Well done, Dawn!
The great jazz vibraphone player Milt Jackson came to our school and listened to the kids play. I asked him at the end what he thought and he said, "Oh man, that was marvelous!" And I used that quote on the back of my Jazz book! So maybe the spontaneous and heartfelt "Well done, Dawn!" is better than getting into specifics. Not that I have the standing of Milt Jackson, but feel free to use it!
Sonya Harway
(Northern California AOSA)
One of my favorite moments today from the workshop was the monkey/Tiger story at the Drum Circle… The patterns were so well scaffolded, the poem felt supportive and made it easy to learn. And then the pace of our “performance” could be hilariously quick!.. I love a quick pace, it helps keep the kids on their toes and it felt really exciting for me as a participant. Thank you for teaching us, Dawn!
Andrea Donahoe
(San Francisco International Orff Course)
I appreciated your way of giving us such clear structure to set us up for success and then such freedom and warmth when having us create/explore.
I also appreciated how you really had us explore very different affects, the goblin dance was a highlight for sure!
It was such a delight to learn from you!
Upcoming Workshops
March 2, 2024
Northern California American Orff Schulwerk Association.
All-day workshop. Session 1. Jamaica Welcome, Session 2. Let's Move, Session 3. Jungle Drums.
April 16, 26, 2024
Manitoba Orff Chapter, Children's Day. Session: Movement.
May 3-5, 2024
Carl Orff Canada National Conference
Session 1: Explorations on the Beach. Session 2: Jungle Drums.
September 27, 2024
MOC/WSO Listening Activity Workshop
October 2025
Ontario Orff Chapter.
All-day workshop. Caribbean themes.
Jamaica Play Book
This new title is all about songs and games from Jamaica. Jamaica Play includes translations, pronunciation guides, and complete directions for each activity. You thought you knew lots of children's games? These traditional ring plays, songs, and games are a wonderful new resource!
Supplemental materials included are full-color visuals in several formats, audio demonstration tracks of each song, and the text of each song spoken in the unique patois of Jamaica.
These traditional children’s songs and games from Jamaica are being published for the sake of posterity. These activities were collected with the help of Marjorie Whylie, the highly respected ethnomusicologist, jazz musician, and master drummer, with her incomparable breadth of performance skills and wealth of knowledge about Jamaica’s cultural heritage.